Beth's 726 Research

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just Beginning

In the initial stages here, I have some broad concepts that seem to be calling for some pre-research to give me better focus. Primary among those are ways students learn or think, and/or learning styles.

For example, in several of my writing assignments I purposely provide vague directions to the students to allow them a little leeway in their work, and to let them use their creativity. The engineering majors are troubled by this. They want to know single or double-spaced? how large are the margins? do they need a cover page? etc.

Their response always leads me to wonder whether providing those details would be more supportive to them. If my specifying the margins and the font style could allow them to better concentrate on practicing effective writing.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Drea said...

I think this sounds like a great area to investigate. It is especially important for Writing Across the Curriculum and other English programs that focus on disciplinary writing. How do we as 1st year writing teachers address these issues? Should we? Or should we leave these distinctions to the disciplines?

At 10:14 PM, Blogger florenb said...

hi beth,

it is indeed interesting to know the different learning styles of different groups of learners. your anecdotal account likewise intrigues me - how engineering students seem to be more precise with format instructions, etc. before they begin their actual writing.

it just reminds me of another approach to this study - perhaps a comparative study of distinct learning styles (or preferences?) of two groups of students (engineering vs. journalism, etc.). that is, analyzing what type of questions they ask, what meanings they negotiate when it comes to their writing tasks, etc.

oh well, this is just one li'l area. it might lead you to a more interesting, feasible focus/treatment in your preliminary study.

keep us updated. good luck!!



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